schrecken_01_kl“This book, that is, this box is necessary. Lake Lucerne and the Gotthard – like we have never seen them before! Especially now when, speeding through the world’s longest train tunnel, we see even less […]. An analogue synthesis of art forms, a bibliophilic work of art for anyone interested in culture or in travelling, for anyone who is curious or likes working with their hands, no matter their age“. Daniel Anker,, 21. Januar 2017.


farben_01_kl“This beautifully designed Box with its 12 mobile tableaus and a 200 page book that the Imaginary Wanderings Society will publish in November, is a novelty. The product which is more than a ‘only’ a book, presents stories around the region of the St. Gotthard region.” Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 16. September 2016



figuren_01_kl“Maggi condiments and Velcro, aluminium foil and illegal numbered accounts – Switzerland has always been a country of tinkerers and inventors. And now they are even reinventing the book, nothing less … (…), with top quality Swiss paper and printing. The name of the playful set that consists of twelve tableaus and a book of essays is ‘Imaginary Wanderings Press’ (…) This is how the cultural history of this landscape – which was full of myths long before Schiller’s ‘William Tell’ –  is made visible in a very attractive, playful and yet profound way.” Süddeutsche Zeitung, 29. November 2016


theater_01_kl“The Box is filled with twelve elaborately designed tableaus and a book of essays on topics such as ‘Dragons’, ‘Theatre’, ‘Darkness’ or ‘Colours’. It enables you to experience the ‘scenic cabinet of wonders’ of Central Switzerland not only by reading but also by touching, tinkering, experimenting, observing.” SRF DRS, Sendung Kontext, 12. Januar 2017



finsternis_02_kl“A landscape in a Box. Is it possible to tell the cultural history of a landscape in a new way – playful, and yet profound, tactilely attractive and, yes – interactive? (…). The Box, throughout bilingual, is an invitation to its very own ‘school of experiencing scenery’ which – amazingly enough – manages to do this without digital effects”. boersenblatt, 29. Dezember 2016, PDF: boersenblatt_2016_H52



architektur_03_kl“A Box making cultural history come alive: build a castle in the air at Lake Uri, look which guests have visited our region, and construct a flip chart foehn storm … (…) One can linger with this box for a long time, marvel and learn”. Bote der Urschweiz, 24. November 2016, PDF: botederurschweiz_20161124




essay_01_kl“No.1 is without doubt eminently beautifully made (…), Imaginary Wanderings Press No.1 claims to be an ‘exceptional print product’ and this is precisely what it is.” 041 – das Kulturmagazin, Ausgabe Januar 2017